What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis and hemp plants. It's just one of over 100 compounds that can be extracted from the plant, and it's the second most common cannabinoid in the plant after THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

How Does CBD Work?

CBD interacts with your body's endocannabinoid system — a network of receptors found throughout the body — to promote homeostasis. This means that it helps regulate your immune system and other functions in your body.

How Does CBD Effect Your Body?

CBD can help reduce inflammation, calm anxiety and depression, relieve pain, lower blood pressure, improve bone health, improve sleep quality and more.

Long Term Side Effects Of CBD?

There are few known long term side effects associated with CBD use. Some users report mild digestive issues after taking high doses of the supplement for extended periods of time though this is usually due to its high concentration in fatty foods like milk or cheese which can cause indigestion if taken too often without adequate nutrition to offset it

What are CB Receptors?

Although it is a cannabinoid, CBD does not directly interact with the two classical cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Instead, it affects signaling through the CB1 and CB2 receptors indirectly. These indirect actions include activating TRPV1 receptors that work to control important functions like pain perception, body temperature and inflammation. In addition to its indirect influence on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD can increase levels of the body’s own naturally-produced cannabinoids known as Endogenous Cannabinoids (Endocannabinoids) by inhibiting the enzymes that break them down.